Clarus-Digital-CampaignsSocial Media Marketing

Elevate Your Social Media Presence


Discover how our diverse range of paid social media services, including Meta (Facebook/Instagram), Snapchat, TikTok, and LinkedIn, can help you connect with and engage your target audience.

  • Meta (Facebook/Instagram)

    Place your ads on Facebook and Instagram through your institution’s accounts to reach and engage diverse audiences with compelling images and video content. Our Meta service helps you connect with prospective students on the platforms they use most.


    • Boost your visibility on popular social platforms
    • Drive prospective students through the enrollment funnel with effective ads
    • Cultivate and grow your organic page presence while also driving paid traffic to your site
  • Snapchat

    Deliver ads to Snapchat users in various placements, engaging your audience with interactive, visually appealing content. This helps build brand awareness and captures the interest of younger prospective students.


    • Build brand awareness
    • Reach a younger audience with interactive content
  • TikTok

    Captivate prospective students with engaging, short-form video content through TikTok ads in various placements. This boosts brand awareness, affinity, and interest in your institution and its programs.


    • Increase visibility among a young, active audience
    • Captivating videos leads to more interactions and interest
    • Quickly & easily repurpose top-performing organic content for paid ads
  • LinkedIn

    Reach a professional audience focused on self-improvement by placing ads on LinkedIn. Using versatile ad formats, we engage users, drive qualified leads, and guide prospective students through the enrollment process.


    • Drive qualified leads through the enrollment funnel
    • Engage a professional audience with tailored content
    • Target prospects based on educational background, work experience, and more

Interested in our Social Media Marketing Services?