Clarus-Digital-CampaignsGoogle Services

Boost Your Online Presence


Discover the power of our Google Services, including Google Ads (PPC), YouTube, and Google Performance Max. These solutions are designed to help you reach and engage prospective students, driving higher engagement and boosting enrollment rates through targeted and optimized online advertising.

  • Google Ads (PPC)

    Place pay-per-click (PPC) ads in front of high-intent users searching on Google with our Google Ads service. Target prospective students actively looking for specific programs or educational experiences, driving highly qualified traffic to your website and boosting conversions and enrollment rates.


    • Attract students actively searching for related information
    • Targeted ads lead to more successful enrollments
    • Effective targeting maximizes your advertising budget
  • YouTube

    Engage prospective students with compelling video content by placing video ads across various placements on YouTube. Build brand awareness and drive interest in your institution and its programs through YouTube’s vast and engaged audience.


    • Capture attention and drive interactions with video ads
    • Build brand awareness
    • Drive interest in specific programs
  • Google Performance Max

    Reach potential students throughout the funnel with our cost-effective Google Performance Max service, delivering ads across all of Google’s inventory. This service simplifies targeting across multiple channels, maximizing reach and conversions through automated, real-time optimization.


    • Target potential students across multiple channels
    • Automated optimization improves ad performance and conversions
    • Manage all your assets with a single campaign, saving time and effort

Interested in our Google Services?